What Can Change the Economy of Republic of Congo

National economic system

Economic system of Democratic Republic of Congo
Kinshasa by night (23769991270).jpg

Kinshasa, capital and economical center of the Autonomous Republic of the Congo

Currency Congolese Franc (CDF)

Fiscal year

Calendar year

Trade organisations

AU, AfCFTA (signed), AfDB, SADC, COMESA, ECCAS, SADC, WTO, Grouping of 77

Country group

  • Least developed[1]
  • Low-income economy[2]
Population Increase 84,068,091 (2018)[iii]
Gross domestic product
  • Increase $48.994 billion (nominal, 2022 est.)[4]
  • Increase $83.112 billion (PPP, 2022 est.)[four]
GDP rank
  • 85th (nominal, 2019)
  • 91st (PPP, 2019)

Gross domestic product growth

  • 3.seven% (2017) 5.8% (2018)
  • 4.three% (2019e) 3.9% (2020f)[5]

GDP per capita

  • Increase $501 (nominal, 2022 est.)[4]
  • Increase $849 (PPP, 2022 est.)[4]

GDP per capita rank

  • 178th (nominal, 2019)
  • 183rd (PPP, 2019)

GDP by sector

  • agriculture: 44.2%
  • industry: 22.vi%
  • services: 33.1%
  • (2012 est.)

Inflation (CPI)

5.0% (2020 est.)[4]

Population below poverty line

  • 63.9% (2012)[6]
  • 76.6% on less than $one.xc/day (2012)[seven]

Gini coefficient

42.1 medium (2012)[eight]

Homo Development Index

  • Increase 0.459 low (2018)[9] (179th)
  • 0.316 IHDI (2018)[10]

Labour forcefulness

  • Increase 29,699,289 (2019)[11]
  • 63.1% employment rate (2012)[12]

Labour force by occupation

Unemployment North/A

Chief industries

mining (copper, cobalt, gold, diamonds, coltan, zinc, tin, tungsten), mineral processing, consumer products (including textiles, plastics, footwear, cigarettes, candy foods, beverages), metal products, lumber, cement, commercial ship repair

Ease-of-doing-business organisation rank

Increase 183rd (below average, 2020)[xiii]
Exports Increase $8.872 billion (2012 est.)

Consign goods

gold, diamonds, copper, cobalt, coltan, zinc, tin, tungsten, crude oil, forest products, java

Master export partners

  • China 53.4%
  • Zambia 24.5%
  • Belgium 5.6%
  • U.k. four.4%
  • (2012 est.)[14]
Imports Increase $8.187 billion (2012 est.)

Import goods

machinery, transportation equipment, fuel, food

Principal import partners

  • S Africa 21.four%
  • China 15.1%
  • Belgium 7.nine%
  • Zambia 7.5%
  • Republic of zimbabwe 6.1%
  • Kenya 5.one%
  • France 4.9%
  • Turkey 3.9%
  • (2012 est.)[15]

Gross external debt

Increase $half dozen.089 billion (31 Dec 2012 est.)
Public finances
Revenues $4.943 billion (2018 est.)
Expenses $5.198 billion (2018 est.)

Foreign reserves

Increase $i.633 billion (31 December 2012 est.)

Main data source: CIA World Fact Book
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in Usa dollars.

Alter in per capita Gross domestic product of Congo, 1950–2018. Figures are inflation-adjusted to 2011 International dollars.

The economy of the Democratic republic of the congo has declined drastically since the mid-1980s,[16] despite existence home to vast potential in natural resources and mineral wealth.

At the fourth dimension of its independence in 1960, the Democratic Republic of the Congo was the 2nd most industrialized land in Africa after South Africa. Information technology boasted a thriving mining sector and its agriculture sector was relatively productive.[17] Since and then, decades of corruption, state of war and political instability have been a astringent detriment to further growth, today leaving DRC with a GDP per capita and a HDI rating that rank among the world's lowest and brand the DRC one of the virtually frail and least developed countries in the world.

Despite this the DRC is quickly modernizing; it tied with Malaysia for the largest positive change in HDI development in 2016. Government projects include strengthening the wellness system for maternal and child wellness, expansion of electricity access, water supply reconstructions, and urban and social rehabilitation programs.

Economic implications of conflicts [edit]

The two contempo conflicts (the Starting time and Second Congo Wars), which began in 1996, take dramatically reduced national output and authorities revenue,[16] have increased external debt,[16] and have resulted in deaths of more than five million people from state of war, and associated dearth and disease.[xviii] Malnutrition affects approximately two-thirds of the country'south population.[19]

Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, accounting for 57.nine% of Gross domestic product in 1997.[20] In 1996, agriculture employed 66% of the work forcefulness.[twenty]

Rich in minerals, the Democratic republic of the congo has a hard history of predatory mineral extraction, which has been at the middle of many struggles within the country for many decades, but particularly in the 1990s. The economy of the 2d largest land in Africa relies heavily on mining. However, much economic activity occurs in the informal sector and is not reflected in Gross domestic product data.[21]

In 2006 Transparency International ranked the Congo-kinshasa 156 out of 163 countries in the Corruption Perception Index, tying Bangladesh, Chad, and Sudan with a 2.0 rating.[22] President Joseph Kabila established the Commission of Repression of Economical Crimes upon his ascension to power in 2001.[23]

The conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo were over h2o, minerals, and other resource. Political agendas have worsened the economy, as in times of crisis, the elite benefit while the general populace suffers. This is worsened equally a event of corrupt national and international corporations. The corporations instigate and permit the fighting for resources because they benefit from information technology. A large proportion of fatalities in the land are attributed to a lack of basic services[ citation needed ]. The influx of refugees since the state of war in 1998 just serves to worsen the issue of poverty. Coin of the taxpayers in the DRC is often misappropriated by the corrupt leaders of the country, who utilise the money to benefit themselves instead of the citizens of the DRC. The DRC is consistently rated the lowest on the Un Human Development Alphabetize.[24]

Economic history [edit]

Evolution of the DRC's GDP.

After Leopold [edit]

Forced labor was important for the rural sector. The corporations that dominated the economic system were mostly endemic by Belgium, but British capital likewise played an important role. The 1950s were a menses of rising income and expectations. Congo was said to accept the all-time public wellness system in Africa, but there was also a huge wealth disparity. Belgian companies favored workers in certain areas more than and exported them to piece of work in different areas, restricting opportunities for others. Favored groups also received improve educational activity and were able to secure jobs for people in the aforementioned ethnic group which increased tensions. In 1960 there were merely 16 university graduates out of a population of 20 million. Kingdom of belgium still had economical ability and independence gave trivial opportunity for improvement. Mutual refrains included "no elite, no trouble" and "before independence = afterward independence". When the Belgians left, most of the regime officials and educated residents left with them. Before independence, there were only iii out of 5000 regime jobs held by Congolese people.[25] The resulting loss of institutional knowledge and homo capital crippled the regime.

Congolese exports in 2006.

Zaire [edit]

Subsequently the Congo crisis, Mobutu arose every bit the country'southward sole ruler and stabilized the country politically. Economically, however, the situation continued to decline, and by 1979, the purchasing ability was just four% of that from 1960.[26] Starting in 1976 the IMF provided stabilizing loans to the dictatorship. Much of the money was embezzled by Mobutu and his circle.[26] This was non a secret as the 1982 study by IMF's envoy Erwin Blumenthal documented. He stated, information technology is "alarmingly clear that the corruptive system in Zaire with all its wicked and ugly manifestations, its mismanagement and fraud will destroy all endeavors of international institutions, of friendly governments, and of the commercial banks towards recovery and rehabilitation of Zaire'southward economy".[27] Blumenthal indicated that at that place was "no chance" that creditors would e'er recover their loans. Notwithstanding the Imf and the Globe Bank continued to lend money that was either embezzled, stolen, or "wasted on elephant projects".[28] "Structural aligning programmes" implemented as a condition of IMF loans cut support for health care, education, and infrastructure.[26]

1990s [edit]

Poor infrastructure, an uncertain legal framework, corruption, and lack of openness in authorities economic policy and financial operations remain a restriction on investment and growth.[xvi] A number of International Monetary Fund (International monetary fund) and World Banking company missions accept met with the new government to assistance it develop a coherent economic program but associated reforms are on hold.[16]

Faced with connected currency depreciation, the government resorted to more drastic measures and in Jan 1999 banned the widespread use of American dollars for all domestic commercial transactions, a position information technology afterward adjusted.[twenty] The government has been unable to provide foreign exchange for economic transactions, while it has resorted to printing money to finance its expenditure.[20] Growth was negative in 2000 because of the difficulty of meeting the conditions of international donors, continued depression prices of cardinal exports, and post-coup instability. Although depreciated, congolese francs have been stable for few years (Ndonda, 2014)

2000s [edit]

Conditions improved in late 2002 with the withdrawal of a large portion of the invading foreign troops.[ citation needed ] A number of Imf and World Banking concern missions have met with the government to assist it develop a coherent economic programme,[xvi] and President Kabila has begun implementing reforms.[ citation needed ]

DRC'south economical growth decelerated from its pre-COVID level of 4.iv% in 2019, to an estimated 0.8% in 2020. Growth was driven past the extractives sector which, helped past robust need from China, expanded by 6.nine% in 2022 (compared to i% in 2019). Meanwhile, not-mining sectors contracted by 1.6% (vs. growth of 5.vii% in 2019) due to pandemic-related mobility restrictions, weaker trading activities and constrained government spending. Private consumption and government investment fell in 2022 by an estimated ane.0 and x.2%, respectively.[29]

Special economic zones [edit]

The DRC is embarking on the establishment of special economical zones (SEZ) to encourage the revival of its manufacture. The first SEZ was planned to come into existence in 2012 in Northward'Sele, a district of Kinshasa, and will focus on agro-industries. The Congolese authorities as well planned to open another zone dedicated to mining (Katanga) and a third defended to cement (in the Bas-Congo).[30] At that place are three phases to the program that each have their own objectives. Phase I was the precursor to the actual investment in the Special Economical Zone where policymakers agreed to the framework, the framework was studied for its establishment, and to predict the potential market demand for the land. Stage one of Stage Two involved submitting laws for the Special Economic Zone, finding good sites for businesses, and currently there is an endeavor to help the regime attract foreign investment. Stage 2 of Phase II hasn't been started yet and it involves assisting the regime in creating framework for the country, creating an overall program for the site, figuring out what the environmental affect of the project will be, and guessing how much it will toll and what the return can be made on the investment. Stage Iii involves the World Banking concern creating a transaction phase that will keep everything competitive. The program is looking for options to hand over the program to the World Banking concern which could be very beneficial for the western part of the country.

Data [edit]

The following tabular array shows the principal economical indicators in 1980–2017.[31]

Year 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Gdp in $
nineteen.62 bn. 27.xvi bn. 31.58 bn. 24.37 bn. 20.34 bn. 27.55 bn. 29.ninety bn. 32.61 bn. 35.33 bn. 36.62 bn. 39.70 bn. 43.thirty bn. 47.22 bn. 52.05 bn. 58.01 bn. 62.seventy bn. 65.02 bn. 68.45 bn.
Gdp per capita in $
683 804 795 522 388 453 478 506 532 535 563 597 632 676 732 768 773 790
Gross domestic product growth
ii.four% 0.5% −vi.6% 2.8% −8.1% 6.1% five.3% 6.iii% 6.2% ii.nine% seven.1% 6.ix% seven.i% eight.5% 9.5% 6.9% 2.iv% 3.4%
(in Percentage)
twoscore.0% 23.5% 81.3% 541.8% 550.0% 21.5% 12.eight% sixteen.7% xviii.0% 46.one% 23.5% 15.0% 0.9% 0.9% 1.ii% ane.0% 18.ii% 41.5%
Authorities debt
(in % of Gross domestic product)
... ... ... ... 135% 101% 104% 87% 74% 85% 31% 25% 23% 20% eighteen% 16% 17% 16%

Economic implications of instability [edit]

Ongoing conflicts dramatically reduced authorities revenue and increased external debt.[16] Every bit Reyntjens wrote, "Entrepreneurs of insecurity are engaged in extractive activities that would exist impossible in a stable state surroundings. The criminalization context in which these activities occur offers avenues for considerable factional and personal enrichment through the trafficking of arms, illegal drugs, toxic products, mineral resources and muddied money." Indigenous rivalries were made worse because of economical interests and looting and coltan smuggling took place. Illegal monopolies formed in the country where they used forced labor for children to mine or work as soldiers. National parks were overrun with people looking to exploit minerals and resources. Increased poverty and hunger from the war and that increased the hunting of rare wild animals. Educational activity was denied when the country was under foreign control and very few people make coin off the minerals in the country. The national resource are not the root crusade for the connected fighting in the region, however, the competition has become an incentive to keep fighting.[1] The DRC's level of economical freedom is one of the lowest in the world, putting it in the repressed category. The armed militias fight with the government in the eastern section of the country over the mining sector or the corruption of the government, and weak policies lead to the instability of the economy. Human rights abuses likewise ruin economic activity; the DRC has a seven% unemployment rate, simply notwithstanding has 1 of the lowest Gross domestic product's per capita in the world. A major problem for people trying to start their own companies is that the minimum amount of capital needed to launch the company is v times the average almanac income, and prices are regulated past the government, which almost forces people to have to work for the larger, more corrupt businesses; otherwise, they won't take work. Information technology is hard for the DRC to encourage foreign trade because of the regulatory barriers.[32]

International relations [edit]

Poor infrastructure, an uncertain legal framework, corruption, and lack of openness in authorities economic policy and financial operations remain a brake on investment and growth.[sixteen] A number of International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank missions have met with the new authorities to help it develop a coherent economical plan but associated reforms are on hold.[xvi]

Faced with continued currency depreciation, the government resorted to more than drastic measures and in January 1999 banned the widespread utilize of U.S. dollars for all domestic commercial transactions, a position information technology subsequently adjusted.[twenty] The authorities has been unable to provide foreign commutation for economic transactions, while information technology has resorted to printing money to finance its expenditure.[20] Growth was negative in 2000 considering of the difficulty of meeting the conditions of international donors, continued low prices of primal exports, and post-coup instability. 125 companies in 2003 contributed to the conflict in DRC showing the corruption.

World Bank [edit]

With the assistance of the International Development Association the DRC has worked toward the reestablishment of social services. This is done by giving fifteen million people admission to basic health services and giving bed nets to forbid malaria from spreading to people. With the Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration Program more than 107,000 adults and 34,000 child soldiers stood downward their militarized posture. The travel time from Lubumbashi to Kasomeno in Katanga went downwardly from seven days to two hours considering of the improved roads which led to the decrease of prices of main goods by lx%. With the help of the IFC, KfW, and the European union the DRC improved its businesses by reducing the time information technology took to create a business by 51%, reducing the fourth dimension it took to go structure permits past 54%, and reducing the number of taxes from 118 to thirty. Improvements in health have been noticeable specifically that deliveries attended by trained staff jumped from 47 to 80%. In education 14 meg textbooks were provided to children, completion rates of schoolhouse accept increased, and higher education was made available to students that chose to pursue it.[33]

Ease of doing business rank [edit]

The Autonomous Commonwealth of Congo ranks 183 on the low end of the ease of doing business concern scale as ranked by the World Banking company. This measures the difficulties of starting a business organisation, enforcing contracts, paying taxes, resolving insolvency, protecting investors, trading across borders, getting credit, getting electricity, dealing with construction permits and registering holding (Earth Bank 2014:8).[34]

International Monetary Fund [edit]

The Imf plans on giving the DRC a $ane billion loan after its ii-year suspension after information technology failed to requite details about a mining deal from one of its land owned mines and an Israeli billionaire, Dan Gertler. The loan may exist necessary for the land because there will exist elections in December 2022 for the next president and the toll of funding this would range around $1.one billion. The biggest problem with the vote is getting a state of 68 million people the size of Western Europe to polling stations with less than one,860 miles of paved roads.[35]

Sectors [edit]

Agriculture [edit]

Agronomics is the mainstay of the economy, accounting for 57.9% of the Gross domestic product in 1997.[20] Main cash crops include coffee, palm oil, rubber, cotton fiber, sugar, tea, and cocoa.[20] Food crops include cassava, plantains, maize, groundnuts, and rice.[20] In 1996, agriculture employed 66% of the work force.[20]

The Democratic Democracy of Congo produced, in 2018:

  • 29.nine one thousand thousand tons of cassava (3rd largest producer in the globe, 2nd but to Nigeria and Thailand);
  • four.vii meg tons of plantain (largest producer in the world);
  • 2 meg tons of maize;
  • 1.ane million tons of palm oil;
  • 990 thousand tons of rice;
  • 384 grand tons of sweet potato;
  • 309 thousand tons of banana;
  • 307 one thousand tons of peanut;
  • 213 1000 tons of mango (including mangosteen and guava);
  • 213 thousand tons of papaya;
  • 205 g tons of beans;
  • 186 thousand tons of pineapple;
  • 168 thou tons of orangish;
  • 101 thousand tons of potato;

In addition to smaller productions of other agricultural products, such every bit java (29 chiliad tons), cocoa (3.six thou tons), natural safe (14 thousand tons) and tea (3.half-dozen k tons).[36]

Fishing [edit]

The Democratic Democracy of Congo also possesses l percent of Africa'south forests and a river system that could provide hydro-electric power to the unabridged continent, according to a United Nations written report on the country'south strategic significance and its potential role equally an economic power in central Africa.[37] Fish are the single most important source of animal protein in the DRC. Total production of marine, river, and lake fisheries in 2003 was estimated at 222,965 tons, all just 5,000 tons from inland waters. PEMARZA, a state agency, carries on marine line-fishing.

Forestry [edit]

Forests cover 60 percent of the total state area. There are vast timber resources, and commercial development of the land's 61 million hectares (150 million acres) of exploitable wooded area is simply beginning. The Mayumbe area of Bas-Congo was one time the major center of timber exploitation, but forests in this surface area were nearly depleted. The more than extensive woods regions of the central cuvette and of the Ubangi River valley have increasingly been tapped.

Roundwood removals were estimated at 72,170,000 k2 in 2003, most 95 percentage for fuel. Some 14 species are presently being harvested. Exports of forest products in 2003 totalled $25.seven million. Strange capital is necessary in order for forestry to expand, and the authorities recognizes that changes in tax structure and consign procedures will be needed to facilitate economic growth.

Mining [edit]

Graphical depiction of DRCongo's product exports in 28 color-coded categories.

Rich in minerals, the DRC has a hard history of predatory mineral extraction, which has been at the heart of many struggles within the country for many decades, but especially in the 1990s. Although the economy of the Democratic republic of the congo, the 2nd largest country in Africa who has historically relied heavily on mining, is no longer reflected in the Gdp data as the mining manufacture has suffered from long-term "uncertain legal framework, corruption, and a lack of transparency in regime policy." The informal sector .[21]

In her book entitled The Existent Economy of Zaire, MacGaffey described a second, oft illegal economy, "system D", which is outside the official economic system (MacGaffey 1991:27).[38] and therefore is not reflected in the Gdp.

Exploitation of mineral substances by companies [edit]

The economy of the second largest state in Africa relies heavily on mining. The Congo is the globe's largest producer of cobalt ore,[39] and a major producer of copper and industrial diamonds. The Congo has 70% of the world'southward coltan, and more than xxx% of the world's diamond reserves.,[twoscore] mostly in the course of small, industrial diamonds. The coltan is a major source of tantalum, which is used in the fabrication of electronic components in computers and mobile phones. In 2002, tin was discovered in the east of the country, but, to date, mining has been done on a small-scale calibration. Manono in Central DRC has a pregnant eolith of lithium and tin with tantalum and niobium and is being developed by an Australian company. Production is expected in 2023.

Smuggling of the disharmonize minerals, coltan and cassiterite (ores of tantalum and tin, respectively), has helped fuel the war in the Eastern Congo.[41]

Today's larger mining companies are making changes and adhering to global need for ESG ( Environmental, Social and Governance) and IRMA (Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance). 1 such globally recognised certification is the 3T iTSCi, the just widely implemented and accepted mineral traceability and due diligence system in the region for the 3T minerals – Tin, Tantalum and Tungsten, an internationally recognised certification for responsible mining and traceability under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Human action. Today iv central African countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) provides legitimate and upstanding 3T minerals. ITSCI is the only industry initiative with standards 100% aligned with the OECD Guidance. Much has been done in the last 15 years, providing artisanal and small-calibration miners a support network through iTSCi, to build the foundations and regulate the industry. At the cease of 2022 ITSCI has seen to 2000 mines, employment of around 80,000 miners, and the supply of over 2000 tonnes of tin, tantalum and tungsten minerals per month; the initiative has come a long way in the last decade. A report had been done by Pact in 2015, detailing iTSCi'due south progress over the previous five years, it discusses the successes, the challenges ahead and the work nevertheless to be done. Entitled Unconflicted: Making Disharmonize-Free Mining a Reality in the DRC, Rwanda and Burundi.

Copper and cobalt [edit]

Katanga Mining Express, a London-based company, owns the Luilu Metallurgical Institute, which has a capacity of 175,000 tonnes of copper and 8,000 tonnes of cobalt per year, making it the largest cobalt refinery in the world. After a major rehabilitation program, the company restarted copper production in December 2007 and cobalt production in May 2008.[42]

Breezy sector [edit]

Much economical activeness occurs in the informal sector and is not reflected in Gdp data.[21]

Send [edit]

All aboard - a train from Lubumbashi arriving in Kindu on a newly refurbished line.

Footing transport in the Democratic Republic of Congo has always been difficult. The terrain and climate of the Congo Bowl present serious barriers to road and rail structure, and the distances are enormous across this vast country. Furthermore, chronic economic mismanagement and internal conflict has led to serious under-investment over many years.

On the other hand, the Democratic Commonwealth of Congo has thousands of kilometres of navigable waterways, and traditionally water send has been the ascendant means of moving around approximately 2-thirds of the state.

Come across also [edit]

  • Democratic republic of the congo
  • List of companies based in the Democratic republic of the congo
  • Mining manufacture of the Democratic republic of the congo
  • United Nations Economic Committee for Africa

References [edit]

  • Public Domain This article incorporates public domain cloth from the CIA World Factbook website https://www.cia.gov/the-globe-factbook/.
  1. ^ "World Economical Outlook Database, April 2019". IMF.org. Imf. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
  2. ^ "World Banking company State and Lending Groups". datahelpdesk.worldbank.org. World Bank. Retrieved 29 September 2019.
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  8. ^ "GINI alphabetize (World Banking company gauge) - Congo, Dem. Rep". data.worldbank.org. World Bank. Retrieved 3 March 2020.
  9. ^ "Human being Development Index (HDI)". hdr.undp.org. HDRO (Man Evolution Report Function) United Nations Development Plan. Retrieved 11 Dec 2019.
  10. ^ "Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI)". hdr.undp.org. HDRO (Homo Development Report Part) United Nations Evolution Programme. Retrieved 11 December 2019.
  11. ^ "Labor force, full - Congo, Dem. Rep". information.worldbank.org. Globe Bank & ILO. Retrieved three March 2020.
  12. ^ "Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (national gauge) - Congo, Dem. Rep". data.worldbank.org. World Bank & ILO. Retrieved iii March 2020.
  13. ^ "Ease of Doing Business in Congo, Dem Rep". Doingbusiness.org. Retrieved 23 January 2017.
  14. ^ "Consign Partners of Democratic Republic of Congo". CIA World Factbook. 2012. Retrieved 29 July 2013.
  15. ^ "Import Partners of Democratic Democracy of Congo". CIA World Factbook. 2012. Retrieved 29 July 2013.
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i "Congo, Democratic Republic of the". The World Factbook. Primal Intelligence Agency. Archived from the original on one January 2000. Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain .
  17. ^ Centre National d'Appui au Développement et à la Participation Paysanne CENADEP (23 October 2009). Province orientale :le diamant et 50'or quelle part dans la reconstruction socio - économique de la Province ? (Written report). Archived from the original on 25 Nov 2009.
  18. ^ Moszynski, Peter (2008). "5.4 million people have died in Autonomous Republic of Congo since 1998 because of conflict, report says". BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.). 336 (7638): 235. doi:10.1136/bmj.39475.524282.DB. PMC2223004. PMID 18244974.
  19. ^ Seema Shekhawat (January 2009). Governance Crunch and Conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (PDF) (Report). Working Newspaper No. six. Bombay: Middle for African Studies, University of Mumbai. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 July 2014.
  20. ^ a b c d due east f yard h i j "Background Note: Democratic Republic of Congo". U.S. Department of Land. January 2000. Archived from the original on 6 June 2002. {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link) Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain .
  21. ^ a b c "Dublin - Inquiry and Markets".
  22. ^ J. Graf Lambsdorff (2006). "Abuse Perceptions Index 2006". Transparency International. Archived from the original on 16 April 2011. Retrieved 21 January 2008.
  23. ^ Werve, Jonathan (2006). The Corruption Notebooks 2006. p. 57.
  24. ^ "The Democratic Democracy of Congo – Global Bug". www.globalissues.org . Retrieved 13 December 2015.
  25. ^ "Joe Trapido: Africa'south Leaky Giant. New Left Review 92, March–April 2015". newleftreview.org . Retrieved 13 December 2015.
  26. ^ a b c David van Reybrouck (25 March 2014). Congo: The Epic History of a People. HarperCollins, 2012. p. 374ff. ISBN978-0-06-220011-two.
  27. ^ Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja (1986). The Crisis in Zaire: Myths and Realities. Africa Earth Press, 1986. p. 226. ISBN0-86543-023-3.
  28. ^ Aikins Adusei (thirty May 2009). "IMF and World Banking company: Agents of Poverty or Partners of Development?". Modern Ghana. Retrieved xxx March 2015.
  29. ^ "Overview". World Bank . Retrieved ten October 2021.
  30. ^ [1] Le "paradis" où le droit fera la loi, L'Repeat, novembre 2010 (in French)
  31. ^ "Report for Selected Countries and Subjects". Retrieved 25 August 2018.
  32. ^ "Autonomous Republic of Congo Economic system: Population, Gross domestic product, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption". www.heritage.org . Retrieved 24 February 2017.
  33. ^ "News & Broadcast - Democratic Republic of Congo: Land Results Contour". spider web.worldbank.org . Retrieved 13 December 2015.
  34. ^ Economy Profile: Democratic Republic of Congo (PDF) (Report). Washington, DC: [World Bank: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development www.worldbank.org]. 2013. Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 February 2013. Retrieved 26 March 2013.
  35. ^ Beith, Malcolm; Richardson, Paul. "IMF Ready to Lend $1 Billion to Democratic Republic of Congo". Bloomberg.com . Retrieved 13 December 2015.
  36. ^ "Democratic Republic of the congo production in 2018, past FAO".
  37. ^ "Democratic republic of the congo economic and strategic significance".
  38. ^ Janet MacGaffey (1991). The Real Economy of Zaire: The Contribution of Smuggling and Other Unofficial Activities to National Wealth. London: James Currey. p. 175.
  39. ^ "Cobalt: World Mine Production, By State". Retrieved 30 June 2008.
  40. ^ "DR Congo poll crucial for Africa" BBC News. 16 November 2006.
  41. ^ Polgreen, Lydia (16 November 2008). "Congo's Riches, Looted by Renegade Troops". The New York Times . Retrieved 27 March 2010.
  42. ^ "Katanga Project Update and 2Q 2008 Financials, Katanga Mining Limited". 12 August 2008.

External links [edit]

  • Janet MacGaffey (1991). The Real Economic system of Zaire: The Contribution of Smuggling and Other Unofficial Activities to National Wealth. London: James Currey. p. 175.
  • Seema Shekhawat (January 2009). Governance Crisis and Conflict in the Autonomous Republic of Congo (PDF) (Report). Working Newspaper No. 6. Mumbai: Centre for African Studies, University of Mumbai. Archived from the original (PDF) on half-dozen July 2014.
  • Economy of the Democratic Congo-brazzaville at Curlie
  • Democratic republic of the congo latest merchandise data on ITC Trade Map
  • Dias, Elizabeth (24 July 2009). "Commencement Blood Diamonds, Now Blood Computers?". Time.
  • Haven Kodila Tedika et Francklin Kyayima Muteba, The sources of growth in DRC before independence. A cointegration assay, CRE Working newspaper, due north°02/10, juin 2010
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Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo

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