Keep Yourself Calm Take Some Time to Read Inspirational Quotes, and Then Prepare for Exams

When y'all're in the midst of exam revision, maintaining a mindset for SUCCESS tin can exist tricky. If you lot've lost your motivation to study, you're in the perfect place to give it a heave – these motivational quotes nearly examination success will remind yous to stick to your goals and aim for the elevation!

You can boost your studies with this quick flim-flam:

  • Pick your favourite quote from the list below, and stick it upwardly in big letters somewhere yous'll see every fourth dimension you written report!

And take comfort in one amazing fact: sure, these quotes were written or said by peachy and successful people – but they were all beginners once, in the midst of studying, just similar you.

These handy links will take you right to the motivational exam quotes you need:

  • The secrets of success in studying
  • Facing up to failures
  • Creating a success mindset for study motivation
  • Studying harder and smarter

Is there a quote that always gives YOU motivation for studying? Allow us know in the comments!

Quotes to motivate yous to written report consistently (even if you lot don't feel similar it!)

The keen affair almost successful people is that they know exactly what it takes to go there! Ready to hear some trade secrets? These motivational quotes will boost your test success:

1. Love what y'all are learning to do

Study motivation quote #1 (Pelé) - library background

"Success is no accident. It is difficult piece of work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to exercise."

Pelé, Brazillian pro footballer

It may sound similar a tall order to love what you are doing or learning to exercise for some of us. But, unfortunately, it's not easy to find the motivation for that subject you don't like to report, no affair how many quotes from iconic footballers you read!

Stick with it. Lean into the challenge.

Fifty-fifty a small-scale improvement in your success could requite you the motivational boost you lot need to study harder next time, kick-starting a virtual cycle of increasingly more success and motivation!

2. Hard work matters

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."

General Colin Powell, quondam US Secretary of State

Prepare, work, and learn from failure if (well, when!) it happens.

three. Don't give in

"People always say that I didn't requite upwards my seat because I was tired, but that isn't true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in."

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks helped initiate the civil rights motion in the United states of america when she refused to give up her seat, every bit was expected, to a white human being on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

She isn't remembered as a brash and confrontational woman, simply for conveying a quiet inner dignity and strength – formidable force – that could ignite a revolution.

I particularly like to quote Rosa Parks because that sort of quiet and formidable strength fits very nicely with my self-image as a scholar. Mayhap it volition for you lot also.

Then just think: what would happen to your study motivation if you got this tired of giving in?

When the moment finally came you said:

That'southward It.


It's OVER – things are going to modify and they're going to start changing TODAY!

Rosa Parks had a powerful "why" – to stop racial segregation – what'southward your why? Check out our ideas for reasons to report to boot-start your written report motivation today.

four. Find your "matter" – similar Stephen Hawking

"Even so difficult life may seem, at that place is always something yous can do and succeed at."

Stephen Hawking

I of my favourite motivational study quotes comes from Stephen Hawking, the renowned theoretical physicist who spent most of his adult life wheelchair-spring with a form of motor neurone disease.

No matter what your credible "limitations", you lot can notice an area to excel in.

5. Today's studying plants the seeds for tomorrow'due south test success

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted."

David Bly, American politician

6. Stay consequent in your studying

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."

―  Robert Collier, self-help author

Stay consequent: this motivational quote teaches us that success in studying comes from consistent effort.

Ofttimes, the daily routines of highly successful students await almost identical to those of boilerplate students. The only difference is a few actress minutes invested, perhaps in conquering some challenge questions at the terminate of a homework, or in reviewing the mean solar day'south material.

Meet also the advantages of spaced learning over cramming.

vii. Make each day a piffling better than before

"Success isn't overnight. It's when every day you become a niggling meliorate than the day before. It all adds up."

― Dwayne Johnson, actor and former pro-wrestler
Study motivation quote #7 (Dwayne Johnson) - artistic background

8. It'southward the piffling things that affair

"The secret of success is to do the common things exceptionally well."

John D. Rockefeller, widely considered the richest homo in mod history

Focus on the basics when you're studying, like understanding how to memorise for exams.

Many of the strategies in my test technique book Outsmart Your Exams boil down to doing the nuts better than anyone else – and thereby earning a handy little advantage for your grade. Add lots of those nice niggling advantages upwardly, and you're looking at a good for you score boost in your tests!

nine. Get get it!

"Success doesn't come up to you, you go to it."

 Marva Collins, American educator

It'southward upwardly to you: go become it!

10. Recipe for success

"Recipe for success: Written report while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing."

William A. Ward, motivational writer

This powerful written report motivation quote comes from a professional motivator. While I similar the sentiment about buckling down, I would add a note of caution about studying too much, particularly "while others are sleeping".

Sleep is really important for learning – don't skip it!

Study smart during the day, and become a skilful night'southward slumber.

11. Fix your study goals; and then realise them

"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal."

Earl Nightingale, author

Written report motivation often starts with a clear goal: this quote beautifully summarises the drive that comes from working towards that goal.

12. Be the boss – similar Beyoncé

"Ability'southward non given to you. You have to take information technology."

Beyoncé, 100 million record selling creative person

YES, Beyoncé! Go claim the success yous deserve in your studies.

Motivational study quotes for overcoming failure well

If you're struggling with your mistakes, the most important matter is that you don't let them defeat yous. Learn from them, and stay inspired for your exams with these motivational quotes:

13. Success is forged in the fire of defeat

"You may encounter many defeats but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may exist necessary to encounter the defeats, so you lot can know who yous are, what yous tin can rise from, how yous can still come out of it."

Maya Angelou, American ceremonious rights activist and poet
Study motivation quote #13 (Maya Angelou) - calm vs story sea background

fourteen. Failure is an opportunity to endeavor once again (ameliorate)

"Failure is the opportunity to brainstorm again more intelligently."

Henry Ford, industrialist founder of the Ford Motor Company

Don't allow a temporary setback dint your self-esteem. You tin exercise better next fourth dimension!

xv. What can you learn from your study / test mistakes?

"Failure doesn't hateful the game is over, it means try once again with experience."

Len Schlesinger, Harvard Business organisation School professor and writer

And when y'all do go once more, y'all'll take the experience you need to succeed!

16. Pick yourself up – similar Batman

"And why do nosotros fall, Bruce? So we can learn to pick ourselves up."

Thomas Wayne, Batman'south Dad, in 'Batman Begins'

Another of my favourite motivational quotes for written report success, a bang-up reminder of the cycle of falling and rising; success and failure.

P.Due south. Dozing off at your desk? I Honey Hans Zimmer'southward 'Rising', composed for the Batman trilogy, to give you lot a sleepy encephalon a boost!

17. Stand tall, no matter what happened yesterday

"If you savage down yesterday, stand up today."

H.G. Wells, English writer and sci-fi author

Today is a new day. And then stand tall – even if you lot don't experience like it.

18. Go on going – you might exist nigh in that location

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

 Thomas Edison, businessman and inventor of the phonograph and electric lamp

Edison knew more about it than most: he tested more vi,000 establish-based options alone for electrical filament, before finally landing on the winning formula for the light seedling. (Carbonised bamboo, if y'all're wondering).

19. Don't quit however!

"One of the near mutual causes of failure is quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat."

Napoleon Hill, self-assistance author

Edison saw each material that didn't work not every bit a failure, but as a learning feel: learning all the same another way not to make a light bulb.

Defeat is so often temporary, even if information technology doesn't feel similar it in the moment.

twenty. Neglect enthusiastically – like Churchill

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

― Winston Churchill, former Prime Government minister of the United Kingdom

Try and keep your enthusiasm up! Not ever piece of cake, only if you don't feel like smile, stand alpine and smile anyway. It may make yous feel a touch on better!

21. Success is often a direct result of failure

"I've failed over and over and over over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

Michael Jordan, one-time pro basketball game histrion and man of affairs

Michael Jordan is widely considered the greatest basketball histrion of all fourth dimension.

He didn't brand his high school basketball game team at commencement. He was devastated, but used that to fuel a furious grooming endeavor that lasted a lifetime.

Study motivation quotes to build an unstoppable success mindset

Having a strong report mindset volition go you a long way with your exam revision. Here are some great motivational quotes to remind you what you need to achieve SUCCESS in your exams:

22. Have complete responsibility

"The day y'all have complete responsibleness for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that's the day you kickoff to the height."

O.J. Simpson, quondam American football game running back
Study motivation quote #22 (OJ Simpson) - mountain top background

24. Believe yous tin can

"Nothing is incommunicable. The give-and-take itself says 'I'm Possible'."

― Audrey Hepburn, actress and humanitarian

Heed. BLOWN.

Practiced spot, Audrey!

25. The things that are possible across the safety of your comfort zone

"You cannot swim for new horizons until you lot have courage to lose sight of the shore."

William Faulkner, author and Nobel Prize laureate

Or as a good friend and mentor, Alan Donegan, likes to say: "Everything you want is only outside your comfort zone… otherwise you'd have information technology already".

(Little bonus quote there for yous!)

26. Y'all don't need to be a perfect pupil. But do your best for now.

"Do the best you lot can until you know better. Then when you know meliorate, practise better."

Maya Angelou, American ceremonious rights activist and poet

Such wisdom from Maya there – nosotros couldn't resist adding a second quote of hers!

I often tell students that even if you don't experience like a meridian student, pretend that you are, and act accordingly. No-one will know the divergence but y'all! And do it for long enough, and you lot'll suddenly realise that you now do feel like a peak pupil.

26. Short on time to study?

"Don't say y'all don't have plenty time. You have exactly the aforementioned amount of hours per twenty-four hour period that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Di Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."

― H. Jackson Brown Jr., author

What are you lot going to choose to do with the time given to yous?

27. Don't be agape to brand mistakes

"There are ii kinds of people in this world: those who want to get things done and those who don't want to make mistakes."

John Maxwell, author and leadership expert

Go for it. It'southward OK to make a mistake – provided you learn from it!

28. When to modify the state of affairs vs when to alter yourself

"When we are no longer able to alter a situation we are challenged to change ourselves."

Viktor Frankl, neurologist, philosopher and Holocaust survivor

Few of us can imagine what Frankl went through. If the situation is intolerable to you, either change the situation, or if that actually is impossible, how can y'all yourself adapt to information technology?

29. The motivation to study comes from inside according to this quote

"Make sure your ain worst enemy doesn't live betwixt your two ears."

Laird Hamilton, surfer

Don't hold yourself back!

30. Personal growth equally a scholar

"Don't wish information technology were easier; wish you were better."

Jim Rohn, entrepreneur and motivational speaker

Jim Rohn encourages usa to celebrate problems and challenges equally opportunities to grow as a person. I love that!

31. My favourite report motivation quote

"There are no limits!"

― The quote on the back of the flapjacks in our college bottle. My friends and I adopted it as something of an exam-term battle weep!

My personal accented favourite of all motivational quotes for report success. This got me through some pretty tough times on the route to a Outset-Course degree from Cambridge.

If you tin become your friends to adopt the same motivational quotes as yous, it actually helps as you can cheer each other on.

Motivational quotes for studying harder and smarter

Success depends on hard work, and these motivational quotes will become you fired upward to get down to your books, put in that hard graft and beat your exams:

32. Don't look the results without the work

"The only place where success comes before piece of work is in the dictionary."

Vidal Sassoon, hairstylist and philanthropist
Study motivation quote #32 (Vidal Sassoon) - book background

33. It will be worth it in the end

"I'thousand not telling you lot it is going to be easy — I'grand telling you it's going to be worth information technology."

Fine art Williams, insurance billionaire

Stay the course: retrieve why it matters as often as yous need.

34. Out of luck?

"I discover that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."

Thomas Jefferson, 3rd United states of america president

Don't go out exam success to chance. Instead, study well, and the "luck" volition be on your side!

35. No-ane'south born with it…

"If people only knew how hard I've worked to gain my mastery, information technology wouldn't seem then wonderful at all."

Michelangelo, master sculpture, painter, architect and poet

I love this quote – it goes such a long way to showing us how even truly exceptional "talent" so ofttimes is something we piece of work for, not something nosotros're born with. See Malcolm Gladwell's fabulously readable Outliers for more on this powerful thought.

36. Courage + work = success

"All happiness depends on backbone and work."

Honore de Balzac, French author

37. Hard work matters

"There are no shortcuts to whatever place worth going."

Beverly Sills, operatic soprano

Singers like Beverly accept a tough climb to the top. And so again, remind yourself why the destination matters!

38. Hard work matters

"Practiced things come up to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and become them."


Go out and become what you lot deserve!

39. Succeed on purpose

"Successful people are not gifted. They just work hard, and then succeed on purpose."


I love the idea of succeeding on purpose! (Call up Michelangelo from #35?)

I wish we could have establish who to aspect this written report motivation quote to – if y'all know, let u.s. know in the comments..!

40. Keep going

"There is no substitute for hard work."

― Thomas Edison, businessman and inventor of the phonograph and electric lamp

Broadly agree 😉

Though when it comes to motivational quotes for students, brand sure y'all're studying effectively, i.e. working smart and using your fourth dimension well, not just working hard on low-value tasks.

"There are no traffic jams on the actress mile."

Zig Ziglar, ace salesman and motivational speaker

Ah, WHAT a nifty motivational quote to leave you on for study success!

Remember, when it comes to preparing for your exams, the actress mile doesn't always mean doing all that much more. It can often come downwards to small things!

Inspirational quotes for examination success

Enjoyed this article? Hungry for a piffling more?

Then head over and check out the other half of this listing: there are 49 more inspirational quotes gear up and waiting for you!

Feeling motivated for report and exam success?

I hope so!

If studying SMARTER (not but harder!) sounds like the platonic way to boost your grades and ace your exams – y'all're not lone!

Join thousands of students learning Test Written report Adept'due south ULTIMATE secrets for examination success, simply by signing upwardly below and claiming your complimentary cheat sheet at present.

Wishing y'all every success in your studies!

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